Andrew ‘Worm’ Weremijenko


I have been teaching for nearly 20 years a number of schools, including Cranbourne Secondary, St Margarets and Berwick Grammar, Glen Waverley Secondary and Nossal High School. A number of students asked me to leave Nossal High School and open my own tuition centre, so that I could teach them for VCE. I took the jump and haven’t looked back!!! My main focus is now VCE Mathematics, where I tutor Unit 1-4 Specialist Maths and Unit 1-4 Maths Methods. I love teaching and having my own business allows greatly flexibility with my lifestyle, my family and my students!

Mark ‘Jelly’ Jelinek

Senior Maths Tutor

I was a VCE Mathematics teacher for almost 20 years, with the last 10 spent at Nossal High School. I have been pursuing other interests in mathematical education these last two years, but have missed classroom teaching too much! In addition to teaching Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics for most of my career, I have made contributions to Cambridge University Press mathematics textbooks and engaged in contract work for VCAA (the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority). This includes a five-year stint as part of the Methods exam development team, from 2016 to 2020.

Casper Appleberg

Maths, Physics and English Tutor

Hey all! I’m Casper and I graduated as dux proximus of Haileybury College with an ATAR of 99.90 in 2022. In year 12, I was a Senior Finalist (top 5 research papers from Aus and NZ) in the University of Melbourne Mathematics and Statistics Competition. I also achieved a premiers award in General Maths as well as a 50 in English and 47s in Math Methods and Physics. I’m currently studying commerce under the Chancellor’s Scholarship at Melbourne. I can’t wait to play a part in making your VCE journey that little bit more enjoyable!

Hritik Jagtap

English Language and Biology Tutor
Hello! My name is Hritik, and I graduated from Nossal High School in 2023. Having attained raw scores of 43 in Biology + Distinction in the ASI Biology Olympiad, 47 in English Language, 50 in Legal Studies with a Premier’s Award, and a 99+ ATAR, I know what it takes to score highly, and would love to teach you! I I tutor Biology Units 1-4 and English Language Units 3/4, and can’t wait to have you on board!.

Pinak Joshi

Maths and Chemistry Tutor
Hi there! I graduated from Nossal High School with an ATAR of 99.75, achieving raw scores of 48 in Maths Methods (scaled to 50) and 44 in Specialist Maths (scaled to 54) as well as 43 in Chemistry (scaled to 47). I was Rank 1 for Maths Methods and managed 79/80 on Methods Exam. I’m currently majoring in Pure and Applied Maths at the University of Melbourne! Very excited to teach you all Maths and Chemistry!!????

Robbie Joseph

Maths and Physics Tutor
Hey! My name is Robbie Joseph, I graduated from Nossal high school in 2021 as the dux with an ATAR of 99.90, with raw scores of 48 in Maths Methods and 47 in Physics. I’m currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Melbourne under the prestigious Chancellors Scholarship. I’m super excited to teach you guys and hope to make VCE an enjoyable journey!!

Enrolment Details

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I acknowledge that all lessons must be paid for, as all lessons are recorded and resources are made available to me. I understand that if I am absent due to needing to prepare for a SAC etc, this is not a valid excuse, as WMA can not replace me on the days when I am absent. If I am sick for a long period of time and inform WMA and produce a medical certificate, this will not apply.